Did you also get this email? Bored this summer? Want to spread propaganda for fun and profit? You know, I'm going to pass. I think I'll just read a book instead.
Youth Activism for Palestine Summer Program
Want to do more for the cause of Palestine but just not sure how to go about it? Think you’re too young to give speeches or interact with the media?
The American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is offering an intensive summer training program for select youth who would like to take their activism to the next level.
Three sessions to choose from!
Public Speaking – Learn from professional motivational speakers how to craft a speech, how to prepare yourself and how to effectively get your message across.
Marketing and Graphic Design – Learn how to use online tools to spread the cause of Palestine around the globe. Topics include creating videos; how to send email, text and Twitter blasts; and the basics of graphic design.
Writing – The battle for Palestine is taking place today in the media. Learn how to get your letters to the editor or op-eds published in newspapers; create a blog and learn how to take it to the top; and learn how to become a citizen journalist and write your own reports about Palestine.
Enroll in the units you are interested in.
WHAT: Intensive Summer Activism Training
WHO: Open to juniors and seniors in high school and college freshmen
WHEN: Orientation for all units will be at 5:30 p.m. Monday, June 25.
WHERE: AMP national office, 10101 S. Roberts Road, Palos Hills, IL
CONTACT: summertraining@ampalestine.org; 708.598.4267, ext. 22
(all times are 5:30 to 7 p.m., unless otherwise stated):
Monday, June 25, Orientation; Modern history of Palestine * Mandatory for all
Tuesday, June 26, Palestine – Facts on the Ground today * Mandatory for all
Wednesday, June 27, Public Speaking – How to write a speech
Thursday, June 28, Public Speaking – How to prepare yourself before an event
Friday, June 29, Public Speaking – Handling the Hecklers/how to handle the tough questions
Monday, July 2, Public Speaking – Handling the tough questions, part 2/practice speeches
Tuesday, July 3 Marketing/Graphic Design – Key elements in design
Wednesday, July 4 0FF
Thursday, July 5, Marketing/Graphic Design -- Blasts, i.e., MailChimp, texting, Twitter, etc.
Friday, July 6, Marketing/Graphic Design - Video production
Monday, July 9, Writing – Letters to the editor, op-eds, blogging, online comments
Tuesday, July 10, Writing – Critical reading and research skills; Tips for clear writing
Wednesday, July 11, Writing - Citizen journalism: create your own blog, CNN iReport account
Thursday, July 12, Workshop for all students to work on presentations
Friday, July 13, 7 p.m. -- FINAL PRESENTATIONS from all students***
*The final presentation night will be an evening for parents and friends to come see what you’ve learned. Each student will need to present one project from his or her unit. For instance, someone who took the Marketing/Graphic Design Unit would create a video, a brochure, or other marketing tools and then create a presentation about this project to present to the audience. A student who enrolls in more than one unit will only have to present one project of his or her choosing.
Students who successfully complete each unit will get a certificate, and those who successfully complete all three units will get a $100 stipend.
Only interested students should apply. Contact AMP to get an application form and to schedule an interview.